Pregnancy: First Trimester Body Changes

Pregnancy: First Trimester Body Changes

Welcome to the first trimester of pregnancy.

What does this mean for your body?

It’s actually the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. So much is happening. You’re going to start to notice some changes in your body.

One of the first changes that may have even signaled you were pregnant is breast tenderness. The pregnancy hormones, estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the changes happening to your breasts right now. During this trimester, you may experience nausea or vomiting, also known as morning sickness. This tends to increase around week five of pregnancy.

Helpful tip: Try some ginger tea and eat small, but frequent, meals.

If you have concerns, talk to your healthcare provider about medications that may help.

You will experience exhaustion. If you feel like you could literally fall asleep any time, anywhere, you are not alone. Many women say exhaustion is a very common thing during pregnancy.

By week seven, many women experience the highs and lows of emotion. Just ask their partners.

Later in the trimester, you may have heartburn, food aversions, constipation, or headaches, but take heart, the second trimester
should bring some relief.

Remember, every woman’s journey is different. Just because your grandmother had certain symptoms, it doesn’t mean you will. Each experience is unique. Enjoy the journey.

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