Male Pelvic Pain

Male Pelvic Pain

The symptomology of male pelvic pain can differ from females because of the difference in genitalia.

The number one chronic pelvic pain symptom that a male usually presents is with pain while sitting. Males will present testicular pain, testicular numbness, rectal pain, rectal numbness, pain in their perineal region, urinary frequency, urgency, burning, chronic constipation, diarrhea, abdominal tenderness, or abdominal pressure, bladder pain, coccyx pain, and not being able to have pleasurable intercourse.

Some potential causes of pelvic pain in men are Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, interstitial cystitis, or abacterial prostatitis, inguinal hernia or a sports hernia, hemorrhoids, endometriosis and fibriods. If you have a tailbone injury, that can cause pelvic pain. Athletic injuries, especially if it relates to your hip.

Most males do not talk about their pelvic pain issues to anybody, and if they do, it may be to a spouse or partner. This is a very private issue and a lot of people are not speaking about it however we would highly recommend that if your pain is evident for more than a couple of days, that you do see a doctor.

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