How To Live Your Best Life With PCOS

Disorders of the reproductive system can make it hard to conceive but the good news is that you can fall pregnant with PCOS.

PCOS is one of the most common and treatable ovulatory disorders linked to infertile women. Though it may hamper your ability to fall pregnant for a little while there are many ways to manage the symptoms associated with this condition. In fact studies show that women with PCOS who live a healthy lifestyle have high success rates. However if the condition is left untreated it could lead to severe health risks and complications. Which is why it is important to see a medical professional immediately if you suspect that you are suffering from this condition.

What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is an hormonal imbalance known to affect women of reproductive age. PCOS causes unpredictable ovulation which disrupts the release of the egg for
fertilization. Without regular ovulation conception is impossible. Women with PCOS also experience problems with their metabolism which can negatively affect their overall health.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

There are a number of symptoms linked to PCOS including;

  • Erratic menstrual cycles
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Acne
  • Abnormal hair growth
  • Oily skin
  • Unusual weight gain
  • Dark skin patches
  • Skin tags

How can I manage my PCOS?

If you are suffering from these symptoms it is best to first consult your health practitioner. Most cases of PCOS can be effectively managed by a treatment plan based on your specific symptoms. In order to manage the condition you may be required to make some lifestyle changes as well.

For example smoking cigarettes, consuming alcohol and a poor diet might be contributing to the negative effects of PCOS. Simple changes like getting enough sleep, regular exercise and eating right can vastly improve your overall health and fertility.

What causes PCOS?

If you are feeling guilty about having this condition know that the cause of PCOS is unknown. Women of all races and ethnicities are at risk and most only discover that they have the condition during their child bearing years. Which means that women often suffer from the symptoms of PCOS for many years before receiving adequate treatment.

PCOS can creep into any home at any stage and cause immense suffering and chaos as a result. If you have been a victim of this disease know that there are steps you can take to ease your pain and still live the life you desire.

Join our Fertility Talks this September

Do you want to learn more about how PCOS is linked to infertility? Fertility Solutions will be hosting a series of Fertility Talks that will focus on the topic of PCOS to highlight September as PCOS awareness month. We will be discussing some critical issues with fertility specialists from various Fertility Clinics in South Africa. Listener’s will also have the opportunity to ask questions relating to infertility and PCOS. You can tune into our sessions on Instagram and Facebook throughout the month.

By Cindy Harker

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