Fun Facts About Sperm
We have compiled a list of 14 things you didn’t know about sperm.
- Sperm is constantly being created.
- The average man produces at least 1500 sperm cells per second.
- It takes about two months for a sperm to mature.
- 90 percent of sperm are deformed.
- Sperm travels on semen.
- The amount of sperm in a typical ejaculation can be contained in half a teaspoon.
- That 1/2 teaspoon contains anywhere from 40 million to 300 million individual sperm.
- Millions of sperm will fall out of the vagina or perish in the vagina’s acidic environment.
- Millions more will get trapped in a woman’s cervical mucus.
- As many as half will get lost by going up the fallopian tube that doesn’t contain an egg.
- Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to a week.
- Only the fastest, bravest, most resilient sperm will make it.
- It takes only one sperm to fertilize an egg.
- Once the sperm penetrates the egg, the egg envelops it and they fuse together.
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