Fun Facts About Sperm

Fun Facts About Sperm

We have compiled a list of 14 things you didn’t know about sperm.

  1. Sperm is constantly being created.
  2. The average man produces at least 1500 sperm cells per second.
  3. It takes about two months for a sperm to mature.
  4. 90 percent of sperm are deformed.
  5. Sperm travels on semen.
  6. The amount of sperm in a typical ejaculation can be contained in half a teaspoon.
  7. That 1/2 teaspoon contains anywhere from 40 million to 300 million individual sperm.
  8. Millions of sperm will fall out of the vagina or perish in the vagina’s acidic environment.
  9. Millions more will get trapped in a woman’s cervical mucus.
  10. As many as half will get lost by going up the fallopian tube that doesn’t contain an egg.
  11. Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to a week.
  12. Only the fastest, bravest, most resilient sperm will make it.
  13. It takes only one sperm to fertilize an egg.
  14. Once the sperm penetrates the egg, the egg envelops it and they fuse together.

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